The National Housing Federation is the voice of affordable housing in England. We believe that everyone should have the home they need at a price they can afford. That’s why we represent the work of housing associations and campaign for better housing. Our members provide two and a half million homes for more than five million people. And each year they invest in a diverse range of neighbourhood projects that help create strong, vibrant communities.
Housing is rising up the political agenda. For the first time in years all three political parties had an eye-catching housing announcement to roll-out this conference season. But there is more to do. A higher profile is important. But we need bold action if we are to tackle the housing shortage and ensure housing associations get the support they need to deliver vital services for communities across the country.
That’s where you come in. We need your help to influence national politicians from across the political spectrum - not just about housing, but about the many other issues we work on including health, welfare and social care.
We don't need you to be a housing expert. But you will have a strong understanding of British politics and how to develop and implement public affairs strategies that have real impact.
As our strategic lead for public affairs, you will play a vital role in an influential organisation at a critical moment in the electoral cycle. With a General Election on the horizon we need your support to ensure our voice is heard at the most senior levels of British politics.