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Established in January 2002, PubAffairs is the premier network and leading resource for the public affairs, government relations, policy and communications industry.

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We are the Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner for Devon, Cornwall & the Isles of Scilly for England’s largest policing area. We support the Commissioner in holding the police service to account, setting the budget of circa 430m and overseeing the largest police investment in a decade. Our award-winning services, including victim support and community safety, have helped our peninsula and islands become even safer places to live, work and visit, with the second lowest level of crime in the country. Devon and Cornwall Police have been on an improvement journey and our office has never been more vital to ensure the police deliver on public expectations.

Our Head of Communications & Customer Engagement will take the strategic lead for media, communications, public engagement, and customer service. Reporting to the OPCC Chief Executive you’ll have oversight of all contact and messaging to the media, public and key stakeholders. You’ll be working closely with Commissioner Alison Hernandez to ensure they are fully engaged with all stakeholder groups at a national and local level, with opportunities to influence strategic direction and policy implementation. Key to your success will be the development of an overarching communications plan that links to the priorities and ambitions of our Police & Crime Plan. Your expertise in media, communications and public affairs will support the Commissioner to be a high-profile advocate of policing and crime reduction, through proactive community engagement and innovative, high-profile campaigning.

This is a role for a communications and public affairs specialist with a track record in media relations and a background in journalism. An outstanding communicator and influencer with a flair for innovation and a strong grip on media law, you’ll have the chance to bring your experience, passion and ability to grab people’s attention to a role of genuine influence and impact, helping to improve policing and the lives of our communities.

Closing date

Applications for this post closed 11:59pm on Sunday 9th March 2025