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Established in January 2002, PubAffairs is the premier network and leading resource for the public affairs, government relations, policy and communications industry.

The PubAffairs network numbers over 4,000 members and is free to join. PubAffairs operates a general e-Newsletter, as well as a number of other specific group e-Newsletters which are also available to join by completing our registration form.

The PubAffairs e-Newsletters are used to keep members informed about upcoming PubAffairs events and networking opportunities, job vacancies, public affairs news, training courses, stakeholder events, publications, discount offers and other pieces of useful information related to the public affairs and communications industry.

Join the Network

Power to Change is the think-do tank that backs community business. We turn bold ideas into action, so communities have the power to change what matters to them. We know community business works to build stronger communities and better places to live. We’ve seen people create resilient and prosperous local economies when power is in community hands. We also know the barriers that stand in the way of their success. We’re using our experience to bring partners together to do, test and learn what works. We’re shaping the conditions for community business to thrive.

This role is responsible for leading the delivery of our communications strategy, providing both strategic and operational support across the organisation. Acting as the central point for all external communications, this role oversees our website, social media, media engagement, and programme of events. The role also manages responsive communications, reputational risk, and the line management of a Communications Officer.

This year is an exciting one at Power to Change. After a brand refresh in 2024, we are now celebrating our ten year anniversary. This role will therefore be critical in overseeing our ten year anniversary celebrations. In addition to this, we have an ambitious advocacy and learning approach this year across our three themes: building community power, financing the future economy, and taking back the high street. This role will also lead on relaunching our Take Back the High Street campaign in the autumn.

Role responsibilities

Central communication responsibilities

  • Ensure our communications approach continues to solidify our new role and brand as a think-do tank with key audiences;
  • Work closely with colleagues across our three thematic areas – take back the high street, build community power and finance the future economy – to ensure our messaging is clear and we are part of the public debate;
  • Take ownership of our organisational communications grid to ensure we are delivering a balanced and impactful communications output throughout the year;
  • Manage and oversee our planned programme of events, stakeholder engagement, and digital campaigns linked to our organisational 10th anniversary;
  • Lead our high streets theme communications, including providing strategic communications and advocacy advice.

Stakeholder engagement responsibilities

  • Ensure there is a clear understanding of our audiences across the staff team so that we have strong, clear and up-to-date messaging for our most important stakeholders;
  • Work closely with the Policy Manager (Advocacy) and External Affairs Officer to oversee our approach to stakeholder management and engagement and support others across the organisation to embed this approach in their day-to-day work. 

Media/PR responsibilities

  • Work with the Communications Officer to implement our media strategy and secure positive coverage for community businesses and Power to Change in national, local, and sector media;
  • Support colleagues across the organisation to engage with the media and to craft compelling blogs, op-eds, etc., to increase our influence;
  • Work with the Communications Officer and External Affairs Officer on media scanning, analysis and responsiveness, ensuring that there is a good awareness of the common topics investigated by the media.

Digital communications responsibilities

  • Be the organisational lead for the website, social media, and content planning, maintaining and developing our content so that it engages our audiences, supports our messaging, and champions accessible, inclusive communications;
  • Work with the Communications Officer to implement our social media strategy;
  • Work with the Communications Officer to support colleagues across the organisation in developing digital content and their own professional digital presence in their areas of expertise.

Other communication responsibilities

  • Work with our Communications Officer, External Affairs Officer, and other key colleagues to implement our events strategy;
  • Manage responsive communications and reputational risks, providing advice and guidance to colleagues and the Executive team;
  • Work with the Insight Manager and Communications Officer on implementing our new narrative-led impact reporting process and identifying potential content for external use through that process.


We have offices in London, Bristol and Sheffield or you may choose to work from home. It will involve some travel for in-person meetings, events and project delivery and on occasion may require overnight stay (the frequency will depend on your role and will be in discussion with your line manager).

14-month Fixed Term Contract.

Supporting Documents

The documents below relate to the job you are applying for, click on any of the links to download and view:

To Apply

Please click on the Apply button below for more information, and when applying please clearly state that you saw the role through the PubAffairs network.

Apply online

  • Fill out the short form below and upload your CV.

Closing date

The closing date for applications for this post is 9:00am on Thursday 27th March 2025