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Established in January 2002, PubAffairs is the premier network and leading resource for the public affairs, government relations, policy and communications industry.

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Whitehouse Communications is no stranger to tackling big issues and they don’t come much bigger than promoting international development and standing up for human rights.

We’re proud to work alongside major human rights organisations, All-Party Parliamentary Groups and members of Parliament’s Joint Committee on Human Rights to raise awareness of important issues affecting people around the world. This is probably best exemplified by our successful work with grassroots human rights group Fight for Freedom. Stand With Hong Kong in which we made the case for the UK government to support Hongkongers who relocate to Britain, and to hold China to account for its brutal treatment of HongKongers.

We stand for making a difference and we’re proud to work pro bono with organisations that are making a positive impact in the world and pursuing good causes.

As part of this commitment to promoting human rights and supporting campaigning organisations that share our commitment, we recently developed a special campaign toolkit which sets out how to deliver a successful public affairs strategy. And as part of our pro-bono work, we made it available for free to human rights organisations and charities who are campaigning to bring about positive change in the world.

As anyone who has created a public affairs strategy will know, planning is key to ensuring that your campaign is set up to succeed, otherwise you risk not having the fundamentals in place before you even begin. Charities and human rights organisations often don’t have the resources to ensure that the vital public affairs elements are incorporated into their campaigns which is why we want to support them by providing a toolkit of what needs to be included.

Charities and human rights organisations face numerous barriers to getting their campaigns up and running, and then making a positive difference in the world. We want to do our part to help, and we hope that our new toolkit will outline the necessary (though not sufficient) elements for any effective public affairs strategy. 

by Max Wilson, UK Public Affairs Director