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Curious about the latest buzz in Brussels? Dive into ‘What’s nEU?’, a weekly wire brought to you by Portland, which offers an overview of the political and policy developments dominating the agenda in Brussels.

In this week’s edition, from the INs and OUTs of the EU elections and the EU’s plans on PFAS and the potential expansion of EU CBAM, to the Health Union achievements and a call for EU enlargement and reduced tech regulation, we’ve got you covered.


EU Climate Commissioner calls for CBAM expansion

During a speech at Maastricht University on 21 May, Commissioner Wopke Hoekstra declared that the EU should consider expanding the scope of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, targeting carbon-intensive sectors and products such as chemicals. Hoekstra believes the CBAM can both incentivise global climate action and help protect European industries. The Dutchman also called for global cooperation in tackling climate change.

European Commission highlights Health Union achievements

In the Communication on the European Health Union on 22 May, Health Commissioner Stella Kyriakides showcased the results in EU health policy over the past five years. These include stronger health security measures, more equitable access to affordable medicines, the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan, the European Health Data Space, mental health actions, revised patient safety rules, and a One Health approach to major health risks. In particular, the model of Europe's Beating Cancer Plan is expected to be replicated for other therapeutic areas (i.e. cardiovascular health) in the next term, as suggested by the EPP Group in its Manifesto.

EU Member States call for reduced tech regulation

In its Conclusions on the Future of EU Digital Policy on 21 May, the Telecommunications Council identified the implementation of recently adopted legislation as a main priority for the next mandate. Member States also underlined the importance of intertwining the digital and green transitions and the need to bridge the digital divide in Europe through the enhancement of digital skills. The Conclusions include calls to ensure a secure and resilient European digital infrastructure and strengthened international digital partnerships. Hungary, which will hold the Council Presidency from 1 July to 31 December, stressed the importance of consumers’ rights to interoperability across devices, strong privacy protection and simplified tech regulation.

EU Member States push for membership negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova

On 21 May, several EU Member States called for the EU to move forward with Ukraine and Moldova’s EU accession. In particular, France, Ireland and Sweden pushed for negotiations to start before the end of June, when the Belgian Council Presidency concludes its activities. Both candidate countries hope to open negotiations on major issues such as justice or fundamentals rights in early 2025. However, some obstacles remain for a quick accession as the screening process, in which countries must demonstrate their alignment with EU laws, could last until late 2024. The whole membership process may take up to a decade.

INs and OUTs of the June EU Elections

MEPs who recently announced they will run again

  • MEP Ondřej Kovařík (Renew, CZ)
  • MEP Karlo Ressler (EPP, HR)
  • MEP Clare Daly (The Left, IE)
  • MEP Sándor Rónai (S&D, HU)

MEPs who recently announced they will not run again

  • MEP Peter Lundgren (ECR, SE)
  • MEP Gheorge-Vlad Nistor (EPP, RO)
  • MEP Robert Hajšel (S&D, SK)
  • MEP Sylwia Spurek (Greens/EFA, PL)

New MEP candidates

  • Irish MP Aodhán Ó Ríordáin (S&D)
  • Former Croatian Foreign Minister Davor Ivo Stier (EPP)
  • Slovak TV presenter Veronika Cifrová Ostrihoňová (Renew)
  • French youth activist Emma Fourreau (The Left)

Commission rumours

  • Ireland might hold the Finance portfolio for the second mandate in a row. Finance Minister Michael McGrath, a member of Fianna Fáil (Renew), has been mentioned as a potential successor to Mairead McGuinness.

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