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Roll up roll up!

As politicos gradually stop reeling from the snap election announcement and 8th June gets ever closer, WA is delighted to launch its inaugural election conjecture competition.

Political parties of all colours are turning up the heat on their campaigns, touring the country in an attempt to woo voters through pretty much whatever means possible. If this has got you in the mood for a bit of Westminster-style ruthlessness, look no further – this is the perfect outlet for your underlying competitive streak.

The aim is simple: to predict the number of seats secured by the victorious party in June’s general election.

To enter, simply tweet @WA_Comms using the hashtag #WAelectionconjecture and state which party will win the most seats, and how many. The deadline for entries is 5pm on 7th June and the winner will be the person with the closest prediction.

Pride is a paltry prize, so there’s a bottle of Fortnum’s bubbly in it for the winner. Depending on your political outlook, the perfect accompaniment to dancing the night away in celebration, or drowning your sorrows as you quietly weep on the sofa whilst watching Yes Minister re-runs.

Cold, painful experience has taught us that you can’t trust the polls to get an election prediction right – but can you trust your Twitter followers? Probably not, but let’s give it a go.

Terms & Conditions:

  • One prediction per person.
  • Only the first prediction is valid – no last minute changes in reaction to poll surges/unforeseen political gaffes.
  • You must direct your tweet to @WA_Comms and use the #WAelectionconjecture hashtag to qualify.
  • First come first served – if two people guess the same number of seats, the winner will be the one who guessed first.
  • The deadline for entries is 5pm on 7th June 2017.