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James-Stevens-(left)-Luigi-Ferrata-(middle),-Morten-Rud-Pedersen-(right)Rud Pedersen Group has announced the opening of an office in Rome. As the Group’s 18th office in Europe, and second opening this year, Rome continues a trend of expansion across Europe’s major capitals. The firm’s growing footprint further supports advisers in their mission to help clients with multi-jurisdictional business needs and provide locally adapted solutions.

Luigi Ferrata will lead the new office, bringing to the Group his two decades of experience advising international businesses. Luigi has previously managed projects in Italy and at EU level with a focus on ICT, energy, and healthcare. He was previously Head of Public Affairs at Engineering Group, a multinational organisation with approx. 15,000 employees. A member of one of the leading think tanks in Italy, AREL, and the scientific committee of ASviS, the main sustainability platform in Italy, Luigi regularly contributes to public debates on politics and decision making.

With Brussels' Managing Partner, James Stevens, himself an Italian national, serving as Vice-President of the Board for the Rome office, the link between Rome and the rest of Europe is already well-established.

The office also welcomes Associate Director Niccolò de Arcayne and Associate Salvatore Mazzocca for the opening. Niccolò has extensive experience in consulting, with a primary focus on the healthcare sector and will be supporting the Rome office to coordinate with the Group Healthcare team led by Trine Ann Behnk. Salvatore has been working for two years in Rud Pedersen’s Brussels office but will be moving to Rome to support the new office, with specialisms in food and agriculture, and energy and climate.

Reflecting on his new role, Luigi Ferrata, said “I am thrilled to be opening Rud Pedersen’s Rome office and creating new opportunities for clients in this market. With offices in key European capitals, including at the heart of the EU in Brussels, Rud Pedersen offers clients a comprehensive and multi-market approach to problem solving. We are looking forward to building a bridge to other influential cities and supporting clients to engage effectively with EU decision makers.”
Commenting on this Italian expansion, Founder and CEO Morten Rud Pedersen said “It is great to welcome Luigi and the Rome office to the Rud Pedersen Group. This is a market we have been looking to work in for a while, with many existing clients who have interests in Italy. Luigi has the experience and network in Rome to understand the needs of our clients and offer creative solutions to meet them. It is great to open with a solid team and our expansion into this market means we can now offer support to clients from 18 of our own offices across Europe, covering the five most populated countries in Europe.”