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The Spanish government relations and public affairs consultancy RetiEspaña will become Rud Pedersen España following the acquisition of a majority control (51% of its capital) by Rud Pedersen Group, a Swedish firm with over 18 offices across Europe, 500 specialized consultants, and a turnover close to 70 million euros.

Founded in 2001 and headquartered in Madrid, RetiEspaña currently employs a team of 31 consultants. The company expects to close the year 2024 with a turnover of 3.2 million euros, representing a 45% increase and one million euros more compared to the 2023 fiscal year. Additionally, the company is in the process of relocating to new and improved facilities on Paseo de Recoletos, better suited to offer enhanced services to its growing client base.

The decision, to be implemented practically by the end of the year (including website, email, image, and logos), positions Rud Pedersen Group as the majority shareholder with 51% of the capital, while founder Alfonso López will retain the remaining 49% and continue as CEO of the newly consolidated entity within the Rud Pedersen Group.

Both executives concluded, "The advantages of this alliance are so numerous and evident that any delay is a waste of time for both companies, our colleagues, and, most importantly, our clients."

Morten Rud Pedersen said "The integration of RetiEspaña will strengthen our Group, establish our presence in Spain, and allow our clients to benefit from an even broader and more specialized company in a country that represents the fourth largest economy in the Eurozone," said Morten Rud Pedersen, CEO and founder of Rud Pedersen Group".

Alfonso López, founder and CEO of RetiEspaña, commented: "We are excited. In just one year, this alliance has demonstrated the advantages of being part of a rapidly growing European Group with leading offices in Brussels, the Nordic countries, the Baltics, and Berlin. Becoming Rud Pedersen España not only expands our capabilities but also reinforces our commitment to providing high-quality and creative solutions to our clients."