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Political Intelligence has announced the immediate promotion of Philip Reid as their London office's Managing Partner. Reid takes over responsibility for day-to-day management of the 13-strong London team. This will enable Nicholas Lansman, Political Intelligence's founder and Group Managing Director to have an even greater focus in developing new business opportunities across the group as well as building partnerships in other markets. This includes a link up with Message Matters, a strategic communications company based in Edinburgh who will provide public affairs support for clients in Scotland.

Lansman said “Philip, who I have worked with closely now for over a decade, is an excellent leader, and public affairs adviser and I am absolutely delighted he’ll be heading the team up in London. The partnership with Message Matters is also great news. Political Intelligence has a long history of public affairs work in Scotland but undoubtedly as further devolution takes place and the latest Scotland Bill becomes reality, the expertise of Peter Duncan and Andy Maciver on the ground will be invaluable in supporting our clients’ activity in Holyrood.”

Message Matters Managing Director Peter Duncan commented "Scotland is becoming an ever more different political climate, and it's more important than ever that high quality insight and advice is available to those who need it. We're looking forward to working with Nick and Philip as the future landscape for Scotland and the UK evolves over the coming months and years."