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Westminster Wanderers Football Club are an established and successful mens' amateur Sunday league football club. We are affiliated to the London FA and play in the Southern Sunday Football League which operates across Lambeth, Wandsworth and Merton. The Club is an England Football Accredited Club.

We will be offering players the opportunity to join our pre-season training sessions from Thursday 29th June onwards. These sessions will generally take place in Battersea Park on Thursday night.  

This year we will have four teams in league and cup competitions. This is our 24nd season we expect to be playing in then Premier, Third, Fifth and Sixth divisions of the Southern Sunday League.

Our home ground is Fishponds Field in Tooting and we have training sessions every week on the all-weather surfaces in Battersea Park. The club also has a strong social programme and an annual tour which has taken us to Portugal, Belfast and Latvia in recent years. This year we are going to Amsterdam.

If you are interested please reply stating your full name, age, preferred playing position and previous clubs.

The Club is an England Football Accredited Club.  You can see more about us on social media – on Instagram and Twitter (@WestminsterWFC).

If you are interested in playing for us, please email the club Chairman Alex Aiken, mentioning you saw the PubAffairs advert, on: