WA has been appointed by the National Joint Utilities Group (NJUG) to support the trade association and manage its strategic public affairs and communications during a vitally important period in the association’s development.
NJUG is a trade association representing utilities and their contractors on street works issues. NJUG works on a UK-wide basis with national and local governments to support the development of fair, workable, robust and proportionate regulation to drive forward essential utility works to support vital infrastructure development and economic growth.
WA will be working with NJUG to engage with government and wider stakeholders on the important role the association’s members play in realising nationally significant priorities. The critical infrastructure that NJUG members deliver supports government targets on housing and wider priorities within the industrial strategy such as increasing productivity through economic growth.
WA will use its extensive experience working with energy, transport and infrastructure clients to advise NJUG’s members, which include National Grid, Virgin Media, Water UK, Openreach, Energy Networks Association, Kier and Amey. The relationship will begin in earnest in April and the six figure contract is initially for three years.
Dominic Church, Managing Director of WA, said: "We are incredibly proud to be working with NJUG to help realise their strategic public affairs and communications needs. The organisation and its members are a critically important partner for government to deliver strategic priorities such as housing targets, roll out of superfast broadband and in overcoming the productivity challenge. We’re excited to use our expertise to increase NJUG’s profile and voice with government.”
Bob Gallienne, Chief Executive of NJUG said “We look forward to working with WA at this important time for our organisation. Our members face an ever more complex regulatory landscape across national, devolved and local governments. Our focus is to ensure there is a joined up approach from government that recognises the infrastructure we deliver supports its wider objectives. We’re confident the WA team will play a pivotal role in helping us realise our public affairs objectives over the coming months.”