A snap poll conducted by the Public Relations Consultants Association (PRCA) has revealed that the lobbying industry believes overwhelmingly that Scotland will reject independence.
85% of the 62 industry in-house and agency professionals who completed the poll believe that Scotland will vote No. Furthermore, when asked to predict the winning margin, the response was again fairly comprehensive as the mean average of victory for the No campaign stood at 7.3% (53.65% to 46.35%).
The results suggest that the industry is far more confident of a No vote than the rest of the population. A recent YouGov survey for The Sun and The Times on 15 September had a 52-48% margin in favour of the No campaign (excluding the ‘don’t knows’).
Kevin Craig, Managing Director of PLMR, suggested that the status quo will change regardless of the outcome: "Whatever the result of the referendum, the political landscape in Scotland has changed forever, with increased legislative powers a certainty."
Dickie Jukes, Managing Director of Grayling Public Affairs, noted that uncertainty will underpin many people’s decision: "There'll be a large number of Scots who hold their noses while they do it, but in the end they'll vote NO because the unknown is too big a risk."
Note: In-house respondents included CEOs, Public Affairs Directors and Communications Directors. Agency respondents included CEOs, MDs, Partners and Directors. 62 lobbying and public affairs professionals responded to the poll. The survey was conducted over 11th and 12th September.