Stocking up on ice for the heatwave? Missed the latest health on Twitter? Don't get hot and bothered - we've got a summary for you.
Here at home:
A comparison of health and social care spending in 11 countries, from @commonwealthfund.
- It’s do or die for care - insightful commentary from former Care Minister Paul Burstow in the @Telegraph.
- Who do we trust on health? 55% of millennials would trust an app over a healthcare professional (via @adamfalat).
- Most think doctors should be able to help end patients’ lives - subject to controls. A new poll by the Economist and Ipsos MORI (via @benatipsosmori).
- What I’m really thinking. A powerful blog for @guardian by a wheelchair user (via @DHorizons).
- Tell each other the truth. @MarkFlannCEO writes on charity self-regulation for @ThirdSector.
- The countries with the greatest scientific impact - UK comes in at #3 (via @Phil_Baty).
- 8 myths about allergies busted by @senseaboutsci.
- How a single case report became clickbait for panic about skinny jeans. Behind the headlines with @NHSChoices.
- A scientific landmark and a potential solution to falling numbers of blood donors - artificial blood to be tested by the NHS (via @BBCNews).
- Plus the silicon chips that mimic human organs (via @BBCNews).
- An engineering feat akin to Crossrail? @simondenegri on the complexities of use of health data.
- Regularly trotted out, but where does the NHS fit in the list of the world’s biggest employers? @wef explains.
Across the pond:
- This BMJ paper on the leading causes of deaths from injury in the US.
- A simple guide to the Supreme Court decision on Obamacare, from @washingtonpost’s @MaxEhrenfreund.
- Plus six takeaways on the Obamacare ruling from @politico.
- Can’t conjure up a mental image? You’re not alone. @carlzimmer in the @nytimes.
And finally:
- Always wondered why looking at light makes you sneeze?
- You definitely wouldn’t want a ride in this vintage ambulance, from @oldpics archive.