Too distracted by Trump’s latest conspiracy theory to keep up with Twitter? Here are some of the best health-related tweets you may have missed:
A new ranking of the world’s healthiest countries from @wef
- ‘Lies, damned lies and NHS funding statistics’, Incisive Health's blog for PubAffairs
- The rollercoaster in NHS funding during this parliament in one graphic - via @NHSConfed_PaulH
- Confused by NHS funding claims? Here’s the key numbers decoded by @NuffieldTrust for @BuzzFeed
- Overweight mothers give birth to biologically older babies – via @newscientist
- Every fast food outlet in London mapped, as doctors warn of obesity epidemic
- How virtual reality is changing the game in healthcare – via @GdnHealthcare
- @incisivehealth research on early cancer diagnosis referenced by John Baron MP in @politicshome
- My saddest – and most exhilarating – day as a doctor, a blog from @TheSecretDr
- What it is like to be diagnosed with cancer – via @NHS
A few from across the Atlantic:
- Why 27 million are still uninsured under Obamacare
- Billionaires vs. big soda: inside the high-stakes soda tax fight
- Have Hillary Clinton's TV ads made a difference?
- How to rig the American presidential election, Ocean’s Eleven style
And finally…
- NHS England plans light touch approval process for co-curated @NHS Twitter account – via @jtweeterson