Watching the FA Cup and not Twitter? Fear not, here’s our round up on the best of health.
Read the mobile-friendly summary of our report on public attitudes to health in Europe.
- The Queen’s Speech saw new health legislation unveiled. Read our take.
- Children on social media 3+ hours a day are more likely to report mental health symptoms (via @ONS).
- When secondary and primary care incentives don’t align – the case of dementia.
- @johnswinney had a lesson in genetics.
- Scientists are discussing the possibility of creating a synthetic human genome.
- Organisational complexity in Irish healthcare.
- Half of people who have a heart attack don’t realise they have had one.
- @dwilliamsHSJ uncovers some inter-ALB twitter dynamics.
- @xtophercook nails the true meaning of calls for an end to political interference in the NHS.
- The storify of GM Devo.
- Maggots are making a comeback in modern medicine.
- Great video showing how people with #downsyndrome are working to defeat dementia.
- The world’s first 3D vertebrae surgery.
- Are we looking at the wrong range of factors in assessing the risk of dying?
And finally…
- Even the best get job application rejections.