Scans, science and sharks (plus the shortest abstract you'll ever read). We've sifted through the best of health on Twitter so you don't have to.
Here at home
- “While I do have MS, MS does not have me. A view on person-centred care from “activated patient” @Lynne_Craven.
- An incentive to have your NHS Health Check (if you’re a Millwall fan).
- Tips to keep healthy and well at festivals from @stjohnambulance.
- A powerful blog from @docranjana on how personal loss changed the way she cares for patients.
- The importance of quality improvement in perinatal mental health services (via @QIWEAHSN).
- June is Cancer Immunotherapy Month. The @AACR explores the promise and progress.
- Dying to know why – the decline of the autopsy and why it matters. New Scientist piece (via @NHSWatch).
- MRI imaging captures the moment we ‘file’ an idea in our brains.
- Genetically, what do we get from our dads? A belated Happy Fathers Day.
- You know the @incisivehealth team loves Lego. And we love this Lego anaesthesia machine by @DrLucieFilteau (which you can win!).
From across the pond
An interesting NEJM article on behavioural economics in incentivising US clinicians (via @Jonathan_Fagge).
- Passengers or co-pilots? A US perspective on patient engagement (via @klouisewood).
- Traumatised by the T-Rex in Jurassic World? Don’t look at this histology slide (shared by @DrLindseyFitz).
- 10 stories of science and tech that Hollywood should tell next (via @alicebell).
- 5 things Jeb Bush’s logo says about him (via @BBCNewsUS and @AWZurcher).
And finally
- The shortest abstract ever (via @AcademicsSay).
- Sharks vs spiders. The world’s deadliest animals.
- Sharks vs Donald Trump. Fun with favourability polls.
In an NHS environment that is noisy, changing rapidly and where decision-makers are under intense pressure, policy communications need to be incisive to make an impact. Incisive Health knows how to cut through the noise and competing priorities to deliver results that enhance our clients' businesses and reputations and - ultimately - improve healthcare for patients.