Did Mother’s Day mean no access to Twitter? Here’s our summary of what you might have missed.
Our Bill Morgan blogged on why manifesto do matter (and what will be most important in 2015).
- Analysis showing that changes in hospital activity cannot explain changes in performance.
- Five research papers that revolutionised health.
- From next year, cigarette packs will look like this. Well done to all involved in a public health breakthrough!
- #thatshirt – Danny Alexander’s version of #thatdress #Alist.
- What countries invest in R&D.
- The Incisive Health Russian dolls are a big hit in the Burnham household according to Isabel Hardman.
- An interesting article by Bob Hudson on the implications of #devoManc.
- ‘A broken man’ – the impact of chronic fatigue syndrome.
- Expose the worst, but remember to praise the best. A good rule for quality improvement.
- That was the week in health in Westminster according to our Caroline Gordon.
- How serious are pressures in social care?
- Want to know the weird stuff the NHS codes? Have a look at Friday’s Twitter feed from Patrick Leahy – “struck by duck” is a particular favourite…
- If all girls were educated…
And from America:
- Progress on electronic health records in the USA.
- Is there a trend towards higher cost tiers for specialty drugs in US insurance plans?
- An oncologist’s reflection on ‘overselling’ clinical trials.
- “Before I go” – an incredible blog from a US neurosurgeon who recently died of lung cancer.
- How the politics of abortion scuttled an anti human trafficking bill.
- “Skinny fat” can still be dangerous.
And finally…
In an NHS environment that is noisy, changing rapidly and where decision-makers are under intense pressure, policy communications need to be incisive to make an impact. Incisive Health knows how to cut through the noise and competing priorities to deliver results that enhance our clients' businesses and reputations and - ultimately - improve healthcare for patients.