There were things on Twitter last week that didn’t originate in Panama. Here’s our summary of the best of health.
- Life expectancy in the UK barely changed for 300 years before 1850. It has doubled since then.
- Why nutritional science turned sour on the impact of sugar. A fascinating long read on the deadly impact of academic fashions.
Type 2 diabetes was the focus for @WHO on #WorldHealthDay.
- The world’s largest employers - #NHS at number 5 (via @SteveKellGP)
- A heroic driver turned his bus into an ambulance and saved a boy’s life.
- There is now a body to promote the involvement of social science in scientific research.
- A revealing report on the differing circumstances of childbirth around the world.
- Poorer children relapse quicker – even after identical cancer treatment.
- The power of vaccination.
And finally…
- Has the NHS found a less expensive alternative to management consultancy? (via @joefd)