Been too busy reading through all of Hilary Clinton’s emails to keep up with Twitter? Here are some of the best health-related tweets you might have missed last week:
- Maybe the NHS funding crisis is not as bad as it seems
- A lesson in choosing the right comparator from NHS England
- Making sure delegates got one of their five a day at the #childhoodobesity conference
- A personal post from @IsabelHardman on treating depression
- The NHS embraces cutting edge technology…
- @TheKingsFund’s explores NHS leaders becoming more representative of their patients
- The campaign #BoysDoCry raises awareness of male suicide
- On #stressawarenessday the ONS reported 19.5% of adults experienced very high anxiety in 2015/16
- Some MPs have a big decision to make about their vote on Brexit
- Maybe this graphic will help… 20 cognitive biases that affect your decision-making
- Polling since 1978 in one graphic
- @wef has released a new ranking of the healthiest countries
- The global burden of women's cancers was explored at #2016WCC
How close are we to eradicating malaria?
From America:
- US election week, but who actually picks the President?
- Americans blame obesity on willpower
And finally:
- Going to work on an egg can cut stroke risk… but could raise some eyebrows on the tube!