Take your mind off the return to work by reading our summary of last week in health on Twitter.
Recycling penicillin from urine – how manufacturing shortages were addressed in the early days of antibiotics.
- Fifteen for fifteen: the hospitals that might determine the election. Read our Andrew Bell on Conservative Home.
- The periodic table by country of discovery.
- Our analysis of soaring mental health A&E admissions twas covered in the Guardian.
- Two thirds of cancers probably aren’t caused by bad luck.
- Our New Year polling shows two thirds who expressed an opinion now favour higher income tax to fund the NHS.
- An x-ray in 1942.
- Why is Denmark the happiest country in the world?
- 1862: Neurologist Duchenne de Boulogne performing a study on facial muscles by electrocuting a man's face.
- UK spending on R&D.
- Median ages around the world.
- Is Texas rethinking its opposition to Medicaid expansion?
And finally…
- The misuse of literally makes me figuratively insane.
Incisive Health is the new force in health policy and communications. In an NHS environment that is noisy, changing rapidly and where decision-makers are under intense pressure, policy communications need to be incisive to make an impact. We know how to cut through the noise and competing priorities to deliver results that enhance our clients' businesses and reputations and – ultimately – improve healthcare for patients.