Watching antipodean Rugby not Twitter? Fear not, here’s your weekly catch up...
- Want to learn about campylobacter and food poisoning? Here’s a game from the Wellcome Trust to help you.
- How to make research more reproducible (and why the science value isn’t the same as news value).
- What is happening to the profile of the UK population?
- Albert Einstein with Marie Curie.
- Changes in UK health spend relative to other countries.
- In the week we heard (again) that bacon elevates the risk of cancer, this on what elevated risk actually means is worth a watch.
- A good example of why we should never fail to encourage people.
- Some things which might (or might not) cause cancer.
- The origins of Hepatitis C have been traced back to World War 2 hospitals.
- Terminal illness means different things to different people.
- Fascinating data on the world’s women.
- An interesting summary of expert views on reforming physician incentives.
And finally...
To mark November (or #Movember?), we give you the world beard and moustache championships.
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