We were busy moving office, but we didn’t take our eye off Twitter. Here’s some of the best of what we noticed from the world of health.
- Teflon by design? How the Health and Social Care Act has shifted accountability away from politicians.
- Do vegetarians live longer? A question to which the answer appears to be no.
- What should journalists do if powerful people lie?
- Total recall: the people who never forget.
- Which countries are the migrants working in the NHS from?
- Hospital beds under pressure. An interesting report from @TheBMA
- How to catch a cheat by @TimHarford
- Global child mortality: the world has made amazing progress
- Why are cancer patients in some parts of the country three times as likely to be diagnosed as an emergency than in others?
- Living with incurable but not terminal cancer.
- The majority illusion (as demonstrated by views on baseball caps).
- Decoding death.
- No jab, no pay. How Australia is getting tough to boost vaccine coverage.
- An unintended consequence of Obamacare: a lower divorce rate.
And finally…
- Glitter shooting prosthetics. What’s not to like?