Still in shock about the BBC's top salaries? Here's our roundup of what you might have missed last week on Twitter:
- New data highlights the strain of musculoskeletal conditions in the workplace
- Interesting findings from the ABPI's new cancer data toolkit that compares UK cancer care vs Europe
- @AMRC launches an animation higlighting the charity impact of its members across the globe
- Department of Health waste spiked during the Health and Social Care Act 2012 transition
- The modifiable risk factors of dementia through the life course
- Curbing the impact of loneliness on early mortality
- @nedwards_1 examines the NHS's global ranking
- How the UK's population is ageing
- New research warns against combining sugary drinks and high protein meals
From America:
- The scale of diabetes across the USA revealed
- How President Trump is 'letting Obamacare fail'
- An assessment of what has gone wrong with the US health system
And finally:
- An amazing story of a son's race to give his dying father artificial immortality