Did you take your eye off Twitter? Here’s our summary of the best of what you might have missed over the past week.
- No evidence of a big collapse in trust in society according to @benatipsosmori.
- We are growing out Brussels office, with two senior hires.
- Last week saw the fifth anniversary of Jeremy Hunt’s appointment as Secretary of State for Health.
- Rouhanicare: the unsung success story of Iranian domestic policy.
- Changes to the prevalence of Alzheimer’s and smoking genes suggests we are still evolving.
- The biggest development in health of this summer? Simon’s beard has gone.
- Here is the inside story on what happened to Simon’s beard.
- How would the French and Germans feel if the UK didn’t leave the EU?
- Could the Zika virus help treat brain tumours?
- Can design thinking improve patient experience?
- Half of British people born today will live to 95.
- There’s an app for that: how technology can help people with dementia avoid crisis situation.
- A consequence of global warming: pre-historic microbes are waking up.
And finally…
- The best royal baby headline so far.