Out enjoying the spring sun instead of following Twitter? Here's our weekly round-up of the best health-related tweets you may have missed:
- The most quoted health organisations in the UK press so far this year
- To mark World Autism Awarness day, why it’s important that there is growing recognition of autism as a feminist issue
- This is what white blood cells look like when they “rip holes” in blood vessels to tackle infections
- How do smoking rates vary across the world? Fascinating data visualisations help illustrate global variations
- A Breast Cancer Now garden featuring a metal microscope lense is under development for the #RHSChelsea
- A favoured memory among the tributes to Sir Bruce Keogh following the announcement of his departure from NHS England
- Where next for DNA sequencing? Five minutes with the 100,000 Genomes Project’s lead on rare diseases
- With new funding for social care on the horizon, this piece from @BeckyMalby looks at what works in the sector
- A new suite of infographics from Public Health England on the obesity challenge
From America:
- Why it can be important to say no to care in hospital in the US to avoid spiralling bills
- Trumpcare may be on life support but the opposition to expanding Obamacare among 19 holdout states continues to leave millions of federal funding on the table
- Encouraged by light-touch federal regulation, health apps are a growing market, but states are increasingly concerned about privacy protection
And finally…
- How James Callaghan responded when canvased during the 1997 General Election campaign: