Too busy catching up with Party Conference season to follow Twitter? Here is our roundup of health-related tweets you might have missed last week...
- Electronic skin that lets amputees feel again
- Some drastic measures to speed up the digitalisation of the NHS
- A great step forward for people with paralyzed limbs
- Where do the happiest people live? An interactive tool lets you compare personal well-being by area
- Want to know more about NHS finances? This video by @jbmccrea is a helpful starting point
- The power of small gestures
- 15 x more dangerous than car accidence – the hidden danger of air pollution
- Sometimes one gets lucky when stabbing in the dark
- A video by @MindCharity demonstrating the importance of treating both physical and mental health as part of comprehensive cancer care
- Ensuring patients access to innovation in a sustainable way – @OBShealth shares its insights and recommendations
- Secretary of State for Health – a job that never sleeps
- The importance of treating the Teddy too
And finally…
The choice of your baby’s name may be influenced by the area you live in