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The Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) has written to all MPs with updated guidance on professional lobbying as part of its Lobbying for Good Lobbying Campaign, together with hosting an event in Parliament on 4th September.

The Institute joined forces with political monitoring and analysis platform, PolicyMogul, to send all MPs an updated Guide to Professional Lobbying booklet and an accompanying poster outlining key behaviours to expect from professional lobbyists. The campaign aims to promote the importance of ethical lobbying in the UK by changing legislation to increase transparency and rebuild trust in politics.

Alastair McCapra, CIPR CEO commented: "Lobbying plays a crucial role in our democratic process by providing policymakers with valuable insights and information. Following the election, we have updated our guidance and produced a handy poster to serve as an important reminder that lobbying should be conducted transparently, ethically, and professionally. By engaging directly with MPs, we aim to foster a better understanding of the positive contribution that ethical lobbying makes to good governance and, by extension, greater public trust in our political institutions."