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Stakeholder Events Calendar

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David Rueda, professor of Comparative Politics, University of Oxford, will lead this interactive roundtable on how the electoral coalitions of European centre‐left parties are threatened by an insider‐outsider dilemma: social democrats have become unable to reconcile the demands of two groups of voters that have traditionally supported them: on the one hand labour market “outsiders,” who have insecure jobs or no jobs at all; on the other hand labour market “insiders” with stable employment.

The seminar is informed by the Political Observatory article The insider-outsider dilemma by David Rueda Professor & Johannes Lindvall.


David Rueda, 
Professor of comparative politics in the Department of Politics and International Relations, Oxford University


  • Nicola Smith, head, Economic and Social Affairs Department, TUC

  • Polly Toynbee, columnist, The Guardian
Peter Kellner, president, YouGov

This event is in partnership with Renewal.

How to attend

For further information or to RSVP, please contact Emma Kinloch.

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