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Stakeholder Events Calendar

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In conversation with
Rt Hon Lord Alton of Liverpool
Chair of Parliament’s Joint Committee on Human Rights

Whitehouse Communications are hosting an event with Lord Alton of Liverpool, Chair of the Joint Committee on Human Rights, on Tuesday 11th March from 5pm to 6.30pm at The Amigo Centre, Lambeth Road, London SE1 [adjacent St George’s Catholic Cathedral].

Lord Alton will be drawing on a lifetime of experience as a human rights campaigner to discuss human rights in an increasingly dangerous World; and the current inquiries of the Committee, which include forced labour in UK supply chains, accountability for Daesh crimes. transnational repression, and scrutiny of every Government Bill to assess its compatibility with international and domestic human rights standards.

Kindly released under an Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) licence from the Houses of Parliament

How to attend

Please apply to attend to Vivien Keenleyside.

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