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Established in January 2002, PubAffairs is the premier network and leading resource for the public affairs, government relations, policy and communications industry.

The PubAffairs network numbers over 4,000 members and is free to join. PubAffairs operates a general e-Newsletter, as well as a number of other specific group e-Newsletters which are also available to join by completing our registration form.

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PubAffairs Events Calendar

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You are cordially invited for
'Champagne & Pimms'
at the PubAffairs & CIPR Public Affairs Summer Party
generously supported by Michael Page Policy

The event will take place in the Grand Atrium of Michael Page’s main offices in Holborn in the evening of Thursday 29th June. The venue is a 3 minute walk from Holborn tube station.

Guests are asked to arrive promptly at 6pm.

View photos from our recent networking events in our Photo Gallery.

Founded in 1948, the CIPR is the professional body for public relations practitioners in the UK. CIPR Public Affairs is one of the biggest specialist sector groups of CIPR representing a thousand professionals who have regular dealings with Government or the institutions of Government in its very widest sense. The group aims to facilitate Member meetings and receptions under the 'Chatham House Rule' with senior speakers which have included David Cameron MP, Nick Clegg MP, Geoff Hoon MP, Sir Bob Worcester, Howell James, Lynton Crosby, Sir Philip Mawer, Michael White, Lord Puttnam, Lord McNally and Alan Rusbridger.


How to attend

We have now reached capacity for this event. Please note only registered guests will be admitted into the building.   

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